Sunday, November 30, 2014

11/28 & 11/29

11/28: B set of 7day
11/29: run with A set of 7day
Friday's plan went well. I didn't have time to run, but managed to do the 7day exercises with a modicum of grace. It was, of course, Black Friday. I have spent years in retail, so I have never  really gotten into the consumer side of Black Friday. Right now the  job I have isn't effected by the chaos, and really, we were bored almost to tears Friday.
Saturday went exceedingly well. I think it is the first weekend where we worked inside and didn't have the stress of trying to get some big project done. The chimney is finished and fire is roaring routinely downstairs. The roof is on hold probably until spring, again thanks to Mother Nature. The forecasters are predicting several rounds of light storms, just enough to make it difficult to get the two or three days in a row needed. So we puttered and got some small tasks done and perhaps a nap on the couch with the dogs was had.
I did decide to attempt a run on the roads. I wanted to test how difficult it would be to run after a snowstorm. I know that at some point I will probably have to give up my runs due to the weather, but I had not planned on having to do it so early. It's not even officially winter yet!
The road passed the test. It involved a lot of focus on the ground and a lot of crossing the road to find the best footing. But I felt great that I got out there. I'm not shut down yet.


Today's Plan: B set of 7day
Mother Nature decided to rearrange my plans today. After dumping 10" of wet snow on us as a Thanksgiving present. a bit of clean up was in order. After the husband cleaned off the roof, it was my turn to deal with the roof rake.
In order to prevent the roof from falling in on Charby's hay, the cover-it needed to cleaned off. Now, before you ask, how hard could that have been? and think I just took the day off, you should know I am 5 foot tall on a good day. If I am tired and slumping I miss that mark.  The roof rake is 20 feet long. and the building is 30 feet long. And I had to manuever the tail end of the rake around trees, snowbanks and a rock wall. On the easy side. The other side had more mundane issues like stacked pallets and wheelbarrows. I think I will correct that next spring.

Once the hay was safe, I decided to do some stretching yoga to release my neck and arms. I have always said how much I enjoy yoga. But today I realized more exactly what is that makes me feel so good afterwards. 
One yoga teacher I had said " we don't do yoga in front of a mirror because you need to go within and realize, do I have the strength".* That is exactly it. There is a feeling of weightlessness in doing the positions correctly. My body feels beautiful and whether it looks that way or not is not important in that moment. No wonder I always wonderful after I perform yoga.

*Al Bingham, Yoga Zone, Ab Yoga for Beginners

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

It is Thanksgiving, and I am thankful: I am thankful that I live in a country where I don't have to worry about my home being bombed while I am at work, I am thankful that I live in a country that is not being invaded by an army led a dictator, I am thankful that I live in a country that is not being ravaged by disease. I am thankful that I have a home, a job, and a family and husband who love me.
Sometimes I think that amid the diverse and acrimonious politics and social unrest we sometimes need to remember what we have. It's not that our country is perfect. But we do have some aspects that are better than other countries who have active war and disease issues that make every day you make it through a blessing. Our blessing is that we don't have those worries. We have many issues of our own and a multitude of diverse ideas on how to fix them. Perhaps if we thought about the rest of the world's problems, ours wouldn't seem so bad and maybe easier to fix.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Today's Plan: run and 2 circuits of B set of 7 Day
I really needed to run this morning as it has been two long days since my last outing. Halfway into my first mile I wanted to throw the plan away and just keep running, it felt so wonderful.  The air was fresh, the sky was gray and I went up my first hill thinking about continuing my run and ditching the 7day. Then I realized how extraordinarily easy it was to get to the top and that I had not even thought about the hill as I climbed it.
It's not a terribly large hill, but it is early in the run. It can be a stumbling block when one is not warmed up. The hill is just over 300 yards long and about a 40% incline for the first 150, then a 25% incline for the last 150. The joke is that when one thinks they have topped it, the road continues to rise at 10% for yet another 100 or so yards. Just enough that your legs feel it but your eyes don't quite notice.
I knew I tend to get out of breath on the hill, so I drew in a large breath into my lungs at the bottom. That is the last conscious thought I had about running the hill until I noticed that I was at the top.
So I went back and did the B set of the 7 day. Because, obviously, it's making the difference.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Today's Plan: 2 circuits of A set of 7 day
That gets more confusing every time I write it. I have to say, 2 circuits made me sweat. It is time to clean my yoga mat. But I did complete the second set more quickly than the first. I am definitely getting better at the moves. I am getting sharper and have more concentration on doing them properly instead of just getting through them. I noticed that the first move of each set is the hardest. It's nice to get them out of the way and move on through the easier exercises. Of course, then you come around again and have to do them over. I didn't go for my run this morning, a lack of time and I wanted to ensure that I had time to do the 2 full circuits.
I went off to work empowered, happy and with a slightly aching abdomen......


Today's Plan: yoga
I decided to take a break from the 7 day plan and do yoga.  The 7 day plan is has been working me over and the yoga felt GREAT! Obviously my muscles needed the stretch.  I did it after work too, which meant all the stress from my day melted away. But back on the plan tomorrow!

Monday, November 24, 2014

11/22 &11/23

11/22: off
11/23: run with B set of 7day
My original intent on Saturday was not to take it off. But as I put it off, and off, and off throughout the day, somehow I just didn't get out there as I was supposed to. Some days rest is simply a better option. And it guarantees that one works extra hard the next day.
As I did. It was my first run since my fall and I was paying strict attention to where my feet were falling. But as Mother Nature is rather capricious, the road was no longer frozen. We are back in the 40s and even some 50s. My run went fine, but nothing extraordinary. I didn't go as far as I wanted since I had a deadline: meeting a friend for brunch and shopping. I certainly didn't want to be late for that. I was late heading down the drive for the run simply because we were putting the final touches on the chimney. Even had some woodsmoke trailing from the house last night.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Today's Plan: B set of 7day
It was the abs again today. Many of these exercises hit the lower abs, the ones that seem so hard to get working. No longer. I felt it all day at work. Which is a good thing, because I would hate to waste all that effort and not get results. I haven't been tracking whether I have lost weight or inches this week since I am not doing all the circuits yet.
This week I am only doing one circuit of the exercises. Next week I need to do two. The week after I will be up to full speed with three. I am going for a short run to warm up, which adds a bit more than they expect. They want me to do a two minute plank as a warm up. Oddly, that is not as much fun as you might expect. So if you don't hear from me after next Friday, you'll know I am too stiff to even type!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Today's Plan: run with A set of 7day
As I have mentioned before, we are putting in a wood stove this year. The best place for the chimney to go was up through the bathroom closet. On the upside, the bathroom floor will never be cold again with the stove right underneath it. Blissful.
I had to clean out the closet so we could take the shelving down before cutting holes in the floor and ceiling. While I was doing so I found that most of my first aid supplies had expired. And my band aids were all yucky. Either too sticky or not sticky enough. Why is this important?
I'm a klutz. I came by it naturally: my Dad had an ankle that threw him down repeatedly and he could make a glass of water set in the middle of a table fall over when he walked by. My Mom is worse. She and I have multitudes of little cuts and scrapes that appear from seemingly nowhere.
It was inevitable that I would fall while running I guess.  I was having a fabulous run, really feeling the groove. I am, however, not used to running on a frozen road. And I was watching where I was going, not  looking down at my feet. So when the rock I tipped my toe on didn't give, I went down.
I hit on my hands and knees, then managed to roll and hop up. I like to think I looked like one of those action stars rolling across the floor to avoid being shot. Unfortunately, I rather doubt it. The moral of this story? Always have a box of band aid on  hand. I had to wait until I got to work.
I did run the rest of the way home, it really didn't hurt very much. And the second day of my 7 day plan went much better. I was able to focus on doing the moves properly since I a frame of reference on how to do them. Still made me sweat!

Friday, November 21, 2014


Today's Plan:  B set of 7day
I have tried dance videos over the years in my search the perfect exercise. I am not terribly graceful and I have a problem following the more complicated steps: no matter how many times I rewind to watch it again. I felt the same way today.
This set of five exercises was aimed at the abdominals. Now, I do a lot of ab exercises. We all know I feel a strong core is necessary to be a effective runner. Three of the five were surprisingly easy for me. The other two, not so much. They used some parts of my abs that apparently I have not been using. And Atomic burpees. That's enough to make you pant.
These exercises have several steps, and getting into the positions is definitely part of what makes you sweat.  I would imagine that someone who knew what they were doing could do a circuit in a fluid 10 minutes, making three circuits a great half hour workout. I hope to get to that point. Right now I feel like I am watching Paula Abdul over and over as she explained the steps before making it look beautifully easy.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11/17 & 11/18

11/17 Plans: Off
11/18 Plans:Run with 7day Plan
So my plan for 11/17 went off without a hitch. Days off usually do. Tuesday was a rather nice day, and I didn't freeze as I went for my run. I did just over a mile as I had more in mind. In my magazine I am reviewing for October (yes, I will get it up there!) there is a 7 day exercise plan. As a part of my review, I thought I ought to try the plan. It has two sets exercises, 0ne set of 5 exercises for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and another set of 5 exercises for Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I think Sunday is for dying.
I did the first set of  exercises, which have 10 repetitions of the 5 exercises for 1 circuit. A full set would be 3 circuits. Beginners are encouraged to do 1 circuit and work up to 3. Thank goodness, because 1 circuit left me drenched in sweat. I have a feeling it will take more than 7 days to master this particular routine. Perfect timing with the weather as I will need a new challenge.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Today's Plan: run
I haven't been single in over 19 years. But once in awhile my husband has to go on trips for work. So right now I am single for 4 days. The first day is always fun, then I get bored and start to miss him. Right now he is in Fl, so at the moment I am just jealous of the weather.  Every time I talk to him he complains about being hot. While today is warmer than yesterday, that is still not anything I want to hear.  After getting up at 3:30 this morning to take him to meet his ride, I went back to bed on the couch for a bit. When I managed to wake up again. I took his car down to the mechanic's to be worked on while he was gone.
My original plan was to run home from the mechanic's as he is only 1.5m away. But I quite literally slept wrong on the couch and my sacrotuberous ligament hurt like a, well, it was uncomfortable.
(If you are wondering, yes, I had to look that up.) I tried to stretch it out, but all the stretches just hurt worse. Walking wasn't so bad, so I decided to stick with the plan. The worst that could happen would be that I would have to walk on the way home.
I ran up his driveway after parking the car and felt okay. So I went right instead of left and ran out a bit the other way before turning for home.  I did the carrot trick: I was only going to the first curve, but when I got there and was dithering if I was going to turn around I realized I was already on my way to the next curve. Funny how my feet make my decisions for me.
The hip was actually not an issue while I was running.  As happens quite often, my hip only hurts after I have been sitting for a bit. And I have been sitting most of the day, as I am enjoying my freedom by watching movie after movie.
Sad, you think? After all the work we have been doing--wood, roofing, yard cleanup--I am quite happy to do nothing! And this is day one. My day for whatever I want. Tomorrow I go back to work and the world starts again. It was nice to have one day with no pressures or needs.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

11/14 & 11/15

11/14 Plans: yoga
11/15 Plans: run
Friday's plan worked out just fine. I got home from work and did a basic 20 minutes that were aimed at my abs. Saturday's plans, on the other hand, changed a bit.
I got home from work and was needed on roof patrol.  I have to say, it was cold. NOAA said it was 33 degrees, with a slight north wind. It felt far colder than that. The wind cut through all my layers (and I was layered and hatted and gloved) and felt like it was coming down from the Arctic tundra.
I wussed out and decided I wasn't going to attempt a run. I think being outside is worse because you know how cold it is. If you are inside and decide to go out for a run, you get all ready and just go. It's freezing but you are already down the driveway so you suck it up. Once you are out and already cold, it is hard to go in and change, knowing you are going to be running away from the warmth of your house.  I suppose some people would just run faster to get back to the warmth. Not me.
I did yoga instead. But, to be fair, I picked an older one that I haven't done in some time. It was longer than my probable run. The first time I attempted this particular routine, I almost didn't make it through the whole thing. So I think that it evened out in the long run. It was most likely harder than my run would have been anyway.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

11/13: Learning the Curve Part 2

Today's Plan: Run
I took yesterday off due to my tiredness on Tuesday. I think it was the right thing to do as I feel like actually doing something now! Today I had a short day at work, so I chose to run afterwards as it is getting chillier and chillier out there. Not as bad as Colorado, but I think that weather is on it's way here.
 It was not a good day at work, and coming home to a run was a wonderful thing. Getting out there in the fresh air and focusing on making it up the next hill can really put problems in perspective. Or at least make you forget you have them. I seem to be doing a "progressive" week: started off at just over a mile, then just over two, and today I did just over three. Guess I know how far I will be running this weekend.
My "middle region" has been giving me fits this week, and I had trouble finding my stride again today. But as I ran down the dirt road and crossed onto the hardtop, it got easier. I decided I was finally relaxing and picked up my pace a bit. However, when I returned and hit the dirt again, once more I had problems. It then occurred to me that I can blame my town.
We moved onto this little dirt road in 1982. The town seemed to forget it existed except around tax time. In the 80s, there were only three houses on our road, so I am not sure I can blame them.
We were the last in town to get plowed, and that usually after my parents called the gentleman in charge of plowing to explain he had forgotten us again. We once had a spring storm that carved out a three foot chasm in the road just above my parents' driveway. It took several days to fix. Good thing we live on a loop so we could still get out!
Over the years, our road became more popular and now we have 10 whole houses on it.  They still drive by our road when plowing and come back when all the tarred roads are done to plow us out. But they grade the road a bit more often to get rid of the potholes these days.
Suddenly, however, our road has become a flurry of activity. They tarred the end of it. That was a surprise when I came over the hill in a run last week. Just an apron leading into our road. I'm not an engineer, so not sure how that helps. They widened the road a bit on that hill too.
But the big news was the granite they blasted out just above my parents old driveway. The road is at least twice as wide there now. Apparently, they are trying to prevent erosion and any other three foot chasms (we only ever had the one). Then they graded the road. And got a bit slap happy with it. The rocks rolling around my road right now are huge. It's like running on a gravel driveway and constant focus is needed to not twist an ankle. And they changed the crowning. I can't find my stride because running where I am used to it is not where the road is flat now. Argh.
Now I have to figure out where to run all over again. And I can't ride Charby on the road because of the rocks. Imagine having four bare feet on those rocks and carrying someone on your back.  Our back fields are slippery and wet due to the lovely wet snow we got two weekends in a row. Looks like she will be getting a vacation. Somehow I doubt she will complain.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Today's Plan: run
I think that all my weekends of work have finally caught up with me. I didn't want to do anything today.  Being Veteran's Day, I had it off. I had to go to town to resupply the house with food and other essentials.
I managed to drag myself to the car finally around 9:30 or so. After running around the stores, I got back home around 12. (I live in the country, it takes me awhile just to get to town.)
I decided to go for my run as soon as I got home and put everything away. I was afraid if I sat down I would never get up again. My run wasn't as  long as I hoped. Frankly, I spent most of it thinking about my lunch I planned on when I was done. I couldn't seem to find my stride today, my run just felt awkward. Strangely, my pace was good. I seem to be going about 30 seconds or so faster on my first mile, and the following miles are faster than my first. It makes me feel good knowing that my times are getting better, especially since I haven't been focused on that aspect. Now I just need to find my stride again. There is always tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I had a rather busy weekend, so I think we will wrap it all up in one post. Friday I did some more yoga. I did free form again, but focused on stretching and lengthening poses instead of the strengthening poses I did earlier in the week. Saturday I went for an early morning run. It was chilly, but refreshing. Shortly after my run my family showed up.
This weekend was the roofing weekend! Well, half the roof anyway.
My brother brought his two boys up and helped strip one side of the roof.  I was amazed at how much they got done so quickly. I didn't have to go up on the roof to help, but I don't think I sat down very much that day. I cleaned, cooked and walked the fence line so Charby could get out of the barnyard. Had to run and get some supplies as well.
My husband's family showed up with the metal roofing shortly after lunch. It was wonderful to see them, but definitely added to the chaos. We unpacked the trailer while they ran off to see other local family members.Amazing how small my entire roof looked packaged up.
I did get to spend the day with my mom, who also came up with them, and watch my younger nephew sit in a recliner and play Mine Craft all day. His focus was astounding.
Sunday started the cycle all over again. Up at 6:30, made pancakes and got to work. Again with the running to town for supplies. Since the boys didn't need me immediately after  I returned, I went out to do some work in the barn. This included a lovely irrigation ditch, since last spring all the snow and ice that built up along the side of the barn melted and caused a river in the barn for several weeks. Directly across Charby's stall, no matter how I tried to block it. So this year I am being preemptive.
I have to say, wet clay mud is not fun to work with, it wouldn't come off the shovel, or me! And let's not talk about the tree roots in my way.
After changing into some clothes that did not have mud all over them, I spent the rest of the day helping with the roof. We were so close to done when the light went on us. Probably 5 more pieces across the end and we would be done. So that will be next Saturday afternoon. I didn't get a chance to run, but I think with the digging, and the lifting and the up/down the ladder a dozen times or more, I got plenty of exercise in for the day. By 6:30 we were sitting cross-eyed in front of the tv.
Monday I got up and ran in the chilly weather again. Forgot the the thick socks this time, but after half a mile, everything warms up and the vented toes are a good thing!

Friday, November 7, 2014


Today's Plan: run
I went back to my regular running sneakers and my legs felt much better the rest of the day after my run. Definitely needed the thick socks. It is getting chilly out there in the mornings. But no ice this morning.
I went back on the whey protein in my yogurt this week, only this time I started with a third of a serving. No bad reactions this time around. My real question is, how will I know if it's helping?
I started taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin early in the summer to help with any problems I might have with my knees or ankles. In August I finished the first bottle (I'd gotten a 2pack) and stopped taking it. In September I noticed that my knees in fact did feel worse and were more likely to hurt in between runs. Since I have started taking the glucosamine again my knees are definitely better.  I also take magnesium, which is good for bone and muscle health. I don't see the benefits as clearly, but it can't hurt!
There are so many suggested supplements out there, I really feel overwhelmed. If I can't see a noticeable effect, I don't want to take it. I try to eat enough natural and unprocessed food so that I can get a lot of the nutrients I need without supplements. (ignore the gum drops I was eating while starting this post) It doesn't always work. But it's the thought that counts, right?

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Today's Plan: yoga
Like a normal morning, events took longer than expected this morning and I decided to do yoga instead of running. Now, keep in mind that running two miles is less than 22 minutes. I did yoga for 26 minutes before I realized I should really get ready for work. I was only 3 minutes late! That was the amount of time it took to feed Charby on the way out the driveway.
For some reason, running away from the house makes me nervous if I don't have a lot of time. I feel as if something were to happen, I would never get back in time. When I do yoga in the living room, I can quit at any point if I start to run late.
I enjoyed my yoga quite a bit today. I did what I call "free yoga" where I pull moves from my DVDs and put them in whatever order I feel like.  I have been resisting the idea of yoga recently, I just haven't wanted to do get down on the floor and do it. As a yoga lover, it was rather odd. I think I have just been feeling stale about the routines I do.  This morning, however, I got that well twisted feeling after I was done. Makes me look forward to doing it again.
I have the same problem with other types of exercise too. Just doing the same thing over and over can become old quickly. Running the same paths, doing the same DVDs, performing the same weight moves, using the same elliptical, can all be extremely boring. Whenever I don't want to do a particular exercise, I know I need to do something different. Not necessarily a different exercise, just find a different way to do it so I can enjoy it again.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Today's Plan: run & weights
We all know that I have been clamoring for Daylight Savings. And I was greatly disappointed in Mother Nature on Sunday as she dropped quite a bit of wet, heavy snow on us. This morning I got up, the sky was lightening, and I went running.
My sneakers are made for summer, with vents over the toes. I have a rather big collection of shoes and amid the selection was  a pair of LL Bean slip-ons with a solid, grippy sole. I thought I would try those so if I hit any patches of snow or water I wouldn't come home with wet feet. The sole looked like it would be good for cushioning impact and keeping me from landing on my butt.
I only went for a short run. I decided that if the shoes were going to be an issue, it would be better to not get too far out. They felt fine while running. I have noticed some soreness on the insides of my calves, stretching up from the ankles.  My knee was also unhappy this morning. I think I will go back to my normal shoes with thick socks. And I will jump over the puddles.

That would be ice on the bog! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Learning the Curve

My mother is fearless.  When we had a rabid raccoon in the barn, she caught up two bricks and headed off after it. This is where I like to say that I am the one who grabbed it by the tail and threw it when it went after the dog--all the while screaming like a girl for my mom. My dad pointed out to her that smashing  bricks into an animal carrying a blood borne disease wasn't perhaps the best idea.  We did find another way to deal with the raccoon and had the Wardens take it for testing.
When we ride the horses on our road, Mom is fine heading down the center of the road. I take a bit more after my dad. He was a worrier. He comes by it naturally from a family of worries, so I don't let it worry me that I also inherited the gene.
I am more of a defensive rider.  I prefer to ride on the edge so that if a car comes I don't have to worry getting out of the way in a hurry. Cars have a tendency to fly down the road, especially around the corners. A horse is much harder to maneuver than a dog when when faced with an idiot in a vehicle.  I do like to plan ahead for any complications in most situations. Although most situations never require my well thought out plans, I feel better for having them.
My mother doesn't worry about getting out of the way, she'll do it when it's an issue. Of course, her horse was twice the size of mine--a draft Thoroughbred cross.  Cars would think twice before getting that as a hood ornament. And this is the woman who once slid across a New Jersey highway on a horse: horse shoes and pavement don't always get along.  After that, our little roads couldn't possibly bother her.
My horse has never wanted to walk on the edge.  I used to think she was just being contrary. She can be like that. Then I started running.
And I learned about crowning the road. For anyone like me who never gave any thought to this, they engineer the roads so that water runs from the high point (the yellow line) to the low point (the ditches).  Obviously this makes it safer during storms for drivers.
It also makes it hard to run (or walk with four legs) on an even surface. Running on the edge can be like running with one leg an inch shorter than the other. Hard to get a good stride going and painful when done.
I have figured out over time where the flattest place to run is on my local roads. It sometimes involves crossing the road several times during the miles. And I let Charby walk where she will now. I feel much more sympathetic towards her.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

11/1 &11/2

11/1 Plans: weights and yoga
11/2 Plans: run
I didn't have anything terribly exciting to say about yesterday's  exercises so I thought I would just do a combination blog today. Yesterday's plan went, well, to plan. I went to work in the morning and got home around oneish. I thought I might even get a run in instead of yoga, but then the rain drops started hitting the windshield. Oh well, I went home and did the weights and some yoga aimed at my abs.
This morning I planned a run.  I set my clock back before I even went to bed. Even though my husband said it was bad luck, I sniffed at him and didn't worry. Maybe I should have. This morning the sky brightened an hour early. Yay! But, knowing how excited I was to be able to run early in the mornings again, Mother Nature handed me (and my neighbors) another gift:

It snowed all day. In fact, it is still snowing. It's a lovely wet snow, weighing down the fence lines and making us clean off the dish several times in order to watch the football game.
So I did what any normal person stuck inside unexpectedly would do: I rearranged the living room and helped my husband build a chimney. (That is normal, right?)The living room was much easier than the chimney. My husband actually mentioned an idea to change our living room last week, which was astonishing as I am the reorganizer and he usually just groans. I let his idea percolate and since I had time today, and I was vacuuming and moving everything anyway......
We are still working on the chimney, but we got a good start today. Nothing more fun than cutting holes in the floor and ceilings. Until you realize that the chimney is going to hit a roof truss. *sigh*

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Lying to Run

Everyone lies. From the harmless "gee, your hair looks great" to the more severe "I don't know what happened to the copier, but let me call the repair guy".  Hopefully that is about the worst people I know do. I try not to do anything more serious than that myself. I mean, unless I am forgetting to tell the husband something.
Except when I run. Turns out, I can be downright deceitful with myself.
I promise if I can get to a certain point, I can go back. Then I get there, and since I made it that far, I pick another point--if I can only make up the hill, then  I can be done. And then again. Somehow I can lie myself right through the whole run. One would think I would stop falling for that.
I also lie about my pace. When I feel like I am going as fast as I can and I want to slow down, I promise myself when I really can't go that fast anymore, I can reduce my pace. Some days I am amazed how far I can go before I have to go slower. Some days it only takes the next hill.
I did a poll among my friends to see who else uses the carrot trick. I found some other tricks that work well too. A good one is to use a running buddy. One friend runs with her 12 year old, so she has to keep going--no one wants to admit to their child they can't keep up . "If she goes with me I can push myself".
This worked out great for both of them.  Her daughter is having a terrific cross country season this year. And my friend did the Beach Raid in September.
Another friend uses constant dialog in her head the whole time. She also uses an audio Couch to 5K program, which prompts her when to run and when to walk. She says it helps to have someone in her ear telling her what to do.
I know a lot of people use music to keep the run moving. In my life, music is background noise. I always have it on.  I love music, especially anything with a beat. But I have a tendency to get lost in my thoughts and I miss parts of the songs. That happens when I run as well. (Frequently I am thinking about my next blog) So while I do love to run with music it is not a driving force for me to run faster or longer. I think it just sheer determination some days that keeps me going. Other days, it is just the sheer joy of being outside, surrounded by nature and feeling of my muscles smoothly working together.
How do you get yourself going? More importantly, how do you keep yourself going while out there?