Friday, October 31, 2014

10/29 and 10/30

Today's Plan: run
My runs for the last two days have been hard. Each step was so difficult, and the breath just wouldn't come. Good thing I am stubborn.  If I know I can do it, I won't give up. So I finished my runs. I just didn't enjoy them.
It took me a bit to figure it out, but I finally realized that I did it to myself (geez, I hate that). As I have been researching running and all it entails, I read an article about runners needing more protein than people who don't run.
I don't eat a lot of meat. I am not vegetarian, I just don't tend to eat  much. I eat salad for dinner most nights, and if my husband grills steak then I put some on my salad. Or I get chicken sausage and heat that up and throw it on the salad.  Breakfast is usually grain based, and lunch is a version of crackers, cheese and apple. Throw in a bunch of trail mix (at least that has soybeans and nuts for protein). The rest of my diet is, well, certainly not protein based. At least, I don't think Twizzlers have protein.
I decided that perhaps I should add some protein and therefore ordered myself some whey powder after doing some searching for the best options. I got flavorless. I think flavors in powders are never as tasty as they promise. Plus, I didn't want extra chemicals in there.
Monday morning I prepared lunch, putting the recommended amount of  powder in Greek yogurt.  It tasted fine, just made the yogurt a bit thicker. Monday was my day off, so I didn't really feel any different. Tuesday I went for just a quick run based on the sunset, and it was a little difficult. I just figured it was because I was pushing my pace to cover as much ground as possible before I couldn't see the ground. But my longer runs this week showed me that something was definitely wrong. It was as bad as running (close your ears gentlemen) during the week of my period. And every night my lower belly was definitely not happy.
Basically, while milk products don't usually effect me, adding milk based whey to yogurt was very disruptive to my digestive system. I was lucky I could still button my pants, as the bloat swelled. I am backing off  and will be adding it back in slowly. It will be just the yogurt for lunch the rest of the week and next Monday I will start by adding a little whey and work it up to the recommended amount. Probably should have done that at first, but who knew? I do like to just dive in.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Today's Plans: run
Just not a sufficient amount of daylight. I couldn't get out early enough to run before work, so I raced home after work.  Let the dogs out, changed quickly and headed down the driveway.  Managed a whole mile. *sigh*
I guess these kind of days are bound to happen.  Better to get out a little bit than not at all.  I felt like I was putting out a good pace, but don't really know because when I got home and looked at the tracker, I saw that Endomondo decided to do an update in the middle of my run. *sigh*
But the sky was gorgeous! I couldn't quite get to the top of the mountain before it all disappeared. So I took what I get.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Today's Plan: ride
The horse won out today. Although, since I went out first thing in the morning before breakfast, I'm pretty sure she didn't think she won anything. Saddle was very chilly at 7:30 in the morning, so not sure I won either. The bit was as well, which I tried to warm up in my hand before putting in her mouth.
I figured this week's mileage for running was not going to be much due to Mother Nature, and I really wanted to ride Charby. I never feel that she gets enough attention.  After my ride, I had breakfast (she wasn't the only one out there on an empty stomach) and went out to help my husband.
My brother got a wood stove from my parents when they went to pellets. He never actually used it and it has been, annoyingly for him, gathering dust and in the way ever since. So he offered it to us when cleaning out his garage. After some dithering, we said yes and the next thing I know it was loaded in my car.  I was afraid it would probably be gathering dust and in our way, but my husband has leapt into action.
This weekend we borrowed a wood splitter and went to work. Two cords of wood and some aching muscles later, our wood shed was 98% filled. And I certainly wasn't going for a run afterwards. But I am pretty sure I got an excellent workout: deep knee bends  to pick up logs, weight lifting as we stacked the wood, core work as I twisted while lifting.
Next we need to get the chimney built. More on that later!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Today's plan: run
And run I did. The sun came out today. It was marvelous!

Apparently, the sun inspired me. I had the best times for first and second mile in several months. I guess I was just ready to get out there this morning. After my run, I went to town and wandered through Hobbit Land with my friend again. The stream was rushing so loudly after the last few days that we couldn't even hear each other.

My dad and I have seasonal disorder. I believe it is because we spent so much time outside. From early spring to early fall, we were both out working the farm. Whether or not the sun was out. So come late fall and no sun or outside exposure, we both showed signs of SAD.
For me, I pretty much want to hibernate. Eat lots of food, and sleep. This is when I put on my winter weight, which I then spend the spring and summer trying to get rid of.  A vicious cycle  I am trying to break this year.  It is very difficult at this time of year for me to tell myself I don't need that extra cookie. I can just talk myself right into it, and maybe a few friends. 
Fortunately, running keeps the scale from yelling at me too much. It also gets me out in the sun more. Normally the second it gets chilly, I turn into an indoor chick. This year I don't see as many signs of SAD.  It could be the combination of both running and being outside more, but I am glad it is working!

Friday, October 24, 2014


Today's Plan: weights
I have taken a new position at work. Whereas before I worked 8:15 to 5;15 with a half hour drive, now I float all around the region at various times and various drives. It worked quite in my favor for the first few weeks, but this week they sent me a bit out of my normal path. So yesterday and today I worked 8:15 to 5:15 with an hour drive either way. Makes it difficult to exercise.Especially with the lack of light.  I know a lot of other people have this problem as well . So I ended up taking 2 days off this week, I just didn't have the time. I definitely have the guilt. Thankfully I have the weekend off so at least I can put some serious time and effort into my exercise, among all my chores for the weekend. And my team is playing, so we all know where I will be on Sunday :)

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Today's Plan: yoga
It was a perfect fall day. If you believe in the fall day that we see in atmospheric scary movies: dark, gloomy skies, trees twisting in the wind and leaves swirling around the sky. Not to mention a rain you can't see through. It was the kind day you hope you wake up with electricity the next morning. Once in a while, on a lazy day, this kind of weather is fun. One curls up on the couch and watches said scary movie or reads a thriller, knowing all the while that they are safe inside where the weather can't touch them.
After three days, enough already! Especially since I had to work and did not get to laze on the couch with the puppies and a good book.  Even yoga is not much help to your mood when you haven't seen the sun in three days. I did it like a good little yogi, and now I am just hoping the sun will come out tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Today's Plan: run
Counting the days until Daylight Savings. Got a lovely run in after work, just not enough time before work right now. Barely had enough time for the 2 miles before sunset, it was very difficult to see my way over the ground on the way back.  I was going to take a picture of the sunset from the mountain top, but the clouds had already moved in over the horizon. Apparently it will rain for the next 4 days in our corner of the world. Then there is the threat of snow on Sunday. Mother Nature is not being good to us. I'm not sure why I expected she would!

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Today's Plan: run
Started off gray this morning, and I got off to a slow start. It's nice that it is cooler now, so if I don't get up and run first thing on a day off I can do it later without dying of heat stroke. My husband decided to build a new bed for us today. He's been thinking of it for awhile, the one we have is the one he was sleeping on 19 years ago when I met him. It has certainly seen better times, especially since our springer puppy went on a chewing spree with the foot board.
I helped him this morning peeling the bark off the posts, then he finished it. He made it out of white birch. I love birch and our town is filled with it. Except on my property. Not a single one. So he made me this. He's a keeper. I find it slightly amazing that tonight I will be sleeping on a different bed:

If Daisy shares, that is.

We have been working on the bedroom for a while, as you can probably tell.  I think if we can  get it painted, we will just about be there. 
So after I helped him and did some computer work, I encouraged myself to go for a run. It's been a lean week, mile-wise, and I wanted to get as much as possible under my feet. 4.3 miles I was back panting in my driveway. And ready to be extra hands making the bed.


Saturday, October 18, 2014


Thur's Plan: run
Fri's Plan: off
Today's Plan: run
It is the most dreaded thing to happen to a blogger: writer's block. Thursday night I pulled up the screen and realized I had nothing to say besides, yup I ran. And did some groundwork with the horse.
Pulled it up last night and realized the same thing.  Argh! Hair pulling ensued.
So today as I ran, I thought about why I like to run. Here is what I came up with (in no particular order):

  • Feeling the tension and soreness evaporate from my body as I find my stride
  • The autumn golds and browns of the tapestry of leaves at my feet
  • The fields rolling out from the road, with vivid patches of red leaved blueberry plants and fuzzy beige seed heads of grass nodding in the breeze
  • The sound of my feet hitting evenly on the dirt, my arms swinging regularly, my easy breath. It makes me feel powerful, the sense of the muscles I have strived for working in concert
  • The trees. Pete Nelson has nothing on me. I love the shape of trees, standing straight or bent by the wind, the texture of the bark, the broad branches and the gnarly branches, the lacy pattern of hemlocks. No matter the season, the trees are a joy to look at
  • The deep jewel tones of  green moss-covered stumps, the blinding brilliance of birch trees swaying in the sunlight
  • Going just a little bit further than I thought I would
  • Turning into my driveway knowing it was a satisfying, strong run

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Today's Plan: run
I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I am a procrastinator. I believe it's genetic--or learned behavior--as my mother is also. She denies it vigorously, but I lived with her. If I can admit it, I can out her.  I certainly didn't get it from my father. My lists, now that I got from my father.
Anyway, instead of running this morning, I napped on the couch. It was a perfectly lovely morning   for a run. But sleep claimed me and it was also lovely.
My plan then became to run when I got home, knowing I should be home by 5:30 and it doesn't get dark until 6:10ish. Of course, when I to work I learned I had to stay a bit later since someone else was going home early. That's what I get for being a procrastinator. I managed to get home early enough to do just over a mile.
When I went down to my nephew's game on Saturday I was complaining to my brother that I can't get out early enough, especially at this time of year, to run as far as I want. His answer was simply to run faster. I snorted and we moved on. But he was right. I have been slacking on pushing myself. I have focused on distance, but that doesn't mean my times should suffer. At least, not as much as they have. I run defensively now: I am "saving" myself.
For what? If I really overtaxed my abilities, what is the worst that can happen? I can slow down. I could even walk. Holding back gets me nothing, but I use it as an excuse to not push  myself. Guess after this moment of self realization I will have to work harder. Ignorance is bliss!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Today's Plan: run
Best laid plans.....We need daylight savings time now. Couldn't get a run in before work because it was dark.  I don't mind running in the gray, or the rain, but I am not wandering around in the dark! I do live in the country and we can hear the coyotes howl at night. I would be bite size.
So when I got home from work I did some yoga.  After a long day, yoga seemed like a better fit. One session later and I felt much better. Tired as all heck, I will definitely sleep tonight.  Stick one little holiday in there and people get all crazy when you reopen.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Today's Plan: ride
I had a lovely long lazy day catching up on my dvr'd series. Watched a little Marvel Shield, ran to town and got groceries. Watched a bit more Marvel (I had a lot of episodes), then vacuumed and did some rearranging of the house. Moved on to Bones (omg, they killed off Sweets!) and folded the laundry while watching. Started the pot roast while watching the last Bones.
Finally, I figured I better get out and ride before it got too dark and I didn't get out there. Charby is such a good horse. She is happy to see me, even when I pull out the saddle.  However, I think she needs a friend. She has always been so independent around other horses, but I think she misses the support.  She was fritzy as usual in the wind. I had to get down to straighten out a fence post, so I decided to do a perimeter walk with her. It is a good way to convince Charby that there is nothing out there besides us and the trees. Silly horse was crowding me, thinking that I was going to protect her.  A reason that I think she needs a friend. On the other hand, it's good that she thinks I'm herd and going to protect her.
Ten minutes into our ride, I took her out through the field and she showed me a new trick--for the first time in eight years, she reared on me. Just a jump and pop up. Every time she spooks and does something new, it actually increases my confidence.  There wasn't even a chance today that I was coming off, or even sliding a bit. That makes my reaction unruffled and Charby calms down quickly. I still made her work for another 20 minutes.  I'd like to say she was calmer, but no. She definitely needs more exercise. Not sure I do, but I guess I will be getting it.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Today's Plan: run as far as possible
32 degrees this morning. Am I the only one impressed that I still went out? I generally am not a cold weather girl. My mom would ride in a snow storm. I tend to give up riding as soon as it feels chilly. Now I am wondering what will be my breaking point for running. Will 25 degrees be OK but 23 too cold? I couldn't see my breath this morning, and after the first half mile I certainly wasn't cold. But I did wear layers and gloves.  I made it 5.64 miles, which felt pretty good. Got home and had a whole wheat bagel with my sister in law's fresh raspberry jam. That was incredible.  I had spent a good part of my run thinking about breakfast. I never eat before I go out, and sometimes all I can think about is getting home and eating my breakfast.
The sun warmed up nicely and I shed layers as I spent several hours preparing an area for our wood shed with my husband. Then we had to drag the wood shed--which was an ice fishing shack and then became the shed holding tools out back--in from the back field. That was an adrenaline filled ride. He pulled it with the tractor and my job was to make sure it didn't roll as we moved it along the hill.  If it had rolled it would likely have taken the tractor and the husband with it, so no pressure there! Sometimes it is amazing what the two of us can accomplish. After getting it in place (without TOO much excitement) he went to help the neighbor and I get to watch the game. So glad it is an afternoon game, I have yet to make it through an evening game. Now if only the refs would make the right calls!

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Today's Plan: off
My first Saturday off in three weeks.  So what do I do? Get up at 6 and drive an hour and a half to watch my nephew play soccer. He and his teammates made it worth my while with a 7-3 win. I then got to spend the day hanging out with my mom and family. Not a bad day at all. Even if it did rain during the game.  The sun never seems to want to come out when I go to a game.
I toyed with the idea riding the horse when I got home.  By the time I left the family homestead, stopped by Trader Joe's for some fresh veggies and drove up the highway, I was pretty much wiped out. So I went out and leaned on her while rubbing her face.  That seemed to satisfy both of us. Thankfully it's a holiday weekend, so I still have two days to play with her.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Today's Plan: Run
Here's the problem with arranging your day off around events instead when you actually need a day off from exercise.  Today being the 8th day since I took a day off, I had a hard time running. I wanted to run 3 or so miles, but I convinced myself after the first half mile that if I went back and lifted weights I only had to do 2 miles. Since I had only lifted once this week, I found this a fair trade off.
It is always good when I can make a deal with myself, and not feel guilty afterwards.

After work I met a friend in Hobbit Land. I believe it has an actual name but everyone in the area has always called it that. Wandering through the paths is a bit like entering Tolkien's world.  After an hour of walking and taking pictures (and gossiping of course), life felt peaceful.  No Golem or Frodo, but then, no orcs either. Another fair trade off.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

An object in motion


I have said previously that I have hills everywhere I run, and really I do. If I go left out my driveway, immediate steep hill. If I go right a long hill after the first quarter mile. After the 1st half mile going left I have the choice to go up and then immediately down (up for the return trip) or down down down (up up up for the return trip). Continuing to the right, some long sloping hills that run through the old gravelpit.
The last few years, I let the hills intimidate me. It's one reason--a large reason--why I never got past a couple miles. I would walk up the first hill and run from the top going out the left. My excuse was that it was exactly half a mile from the driveway at the top to the tar of  the next road. And the hill I dubbed the Mountain, I never conquered that.
This year I embraced the hills.  I push harder going up the hill and relax on the way down.  I know that if I just keep putting one foot in front of the other, I can make it up the hill.  Even if a turtle could beat me.  When I run,I think of Newton's law of inertia:
                     An object at rest will stay at rest, forever, as long as nothing pushes or pulls on it. 
                         An object in motion will stay in motion, traveling in a straight line, forever, until something
                         pushes or pulls on it.
Ok, maybe not in those exact words. But I do think it is easier to keep going then it is to stop and then start again. Even on hills. Sometimes especially on hills.
                               I have a few tips for hills.
                               one: Don't look up! You know how they say don't look down? Well, looking up can be just as disheartening, and occasionally just as scary.
                               two: Breathe. Sounds simple, right? It's the first thing that goes, so make sure you concentrate on keeping it going in and out.
                              three: I run in the country, which equals soft shoulders. I run downhill on the shoulder to  keep the impact on my knees less. I don't run uphill on the shoulder. It's like running in soft sand. Why make your life harder going up a hill?

      So this is the bottom of my mountain. Sadly, it doesn't look as impressive in the photo as it does                                    when I'm at the bottom thinking about running back up it.


Today's Plan: yoga
What a lovely day: rain, wind, thunder, dark skies. It was a bit of a struggle this morning to convince myself I really did want to work out. I am going to watch my nephew play soccer on Saturday, and since I have to leave around 7:30ish, I plan to take that day off this week. Yoga today and running the next two days. So I couldn't skip today and I think that is the only thing that got me out of the recliner after my coffee. I picked a DVD I hadn't done in awhile, and my legs were shaking. I think that's a good thing, right? I lent that one to my mom years ago and she was not happy until I admitted that the first time I tried it I couldn't do it all the way through either.
It's good to have to work at harder exercises. Otherwise it gets boring. I always know that when I don't want to do an exercise that I need to do something different, that I have been doing that one thing too long.  I don't get bored with the running, but I definitely get bored with the routine paths I take. Same with yoga. Since doing the same movements work the same muscles, variety really is the spice of sports. After awhile, our bodies adapt to what we do repeatedly and we don't get the same amount of calorie burn or effort from the workout. Just keep telling yourself change is good!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Today's Plan: run
No idea how far or where I was going today. Those are the fun days. At the end of the driveway I just picked a direction: left. I want to increase my distance weekly. So the 2m run I usually do when I run left didn't seem far enough. So I went just a bit further, made it 2.65 miles today. Gotta love it when you run far enough to run into a rain storm and back out! I am always so impressed when I go out on ugly days, because I am often a fair weather exerciser. Weather had been my excuse for years. It's good to know I am making progress on that front. Also getting much better at being a morning person. Now if I could only stop procrastinating.


Today's Plan: weights and yoga
One more note about balance: used to be that when I ran I would get pains on the inner shoulder blade muscles. That has not been a problem since I started the weights. I do a lot of back exercises, at the suggestion of my massage therapist. We use our arms going forward so much that we don't strengthen our back enough. I added a rep to my lifting today. I think I have been doing the same thing for for too long and needed to step it up. I  find that with my running too. My times get slower since I don't push. Question is: do I care? Running is a joy, and while I definitely want to do more races and I am a rather competitive person, I want it to stay a joy. I figure this is a good time to work on distance and next spring I will worry about speed. Sounds like a plan :)

Monday, October 6, 2014


Today's Plan: long run
You know those days you keep telling yourself if you just get to a certain spot, you can turn around? I made a lot of promises to myself today.  First when I almost got blown backwards by a gust of wind, I promised that I would just run to the top of the mountain to take some photos. Then I realized that because of the layout of the mountain I needed to go down a bit further...and further...and then I was at the bottom. I didn't want to climb the mountain, so I convinced myself it was easier to continue in the 5m loop than to go back up. (I was in mile 1.5 of the 5. I really didn't want to go up the mountain)
I want to point out that it was gusty and rainy, the weatherman who promised that the storm was going out overnight to give us a nice morning was wrong. I am going back to the look out the window method.  There was one  particular hill I was worried about in running the loop this way.  I remember my mom trying to teach me to do hill stops on this hill with our standard Escort.  It did not work all that well.
I had to keep pep talking myself all the way to that hill. I made it up and I swear the sun came out. The weatherman was just a bit behind, I guess.  My 4th and 5th mile were actually the fastest of the loop. I felt like I could keep going forever--until I hit my driveway and my legs stopped suddenly.
After doing a bit of housework, I went out to ride Charby. The gusts of wind made her a bit flighty. Horses can hear far better than us, so hearing noises from far away carried by the wind and not having any idea of the causes can be startling to them. We had a bit of a tussle over whether we should canter or not (she voted yes, I voted no), but in general we had a good ride. It's such a pleasure to work with her.  She has such a personality that I don't people who don't ride realize. Horses are unique individuals and it can so much fun just to hang with them.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Today's Plan: weights and yoga
My father would be so proud, I actually watched the weather and planned around it. He said it was because he was a farmer, but personally I think he was just addicted to the weather. Dad watched it on the news morning, noon, and night. As soon as the weather man was announced, the refrain "weather!" would echo through the house so we would all know we better be quiet so he could hear. And if anyone else wanted to know it, they better get in there! It became a family joke.
Once the Internet was connected, he had the weather emailed to him from the local channel 6 three times a day. He still watched the news for it. Then LL Bean came out with the weather stations that were wireless so a piece outside told the computer inside what it was doing outside. He used all three methods.  When we cleaned out his office, he had notebooks full of previous years weather trends that effected the farming. Still, I think it was more for him than the farm. He was always disappointed that I was more fond of the "look out the window" way of knowing the weather. But today I knew it was going to be a rainy gray day, and planned accordingly. Weights in the morning and yoga in the afternoon.
I do feel the need to say that I am not going to the gym to do the weight lifting nor do I have any machines. I started doing weights for my upper body. I knew between riding and running my legs were just fine.  I figured I'd better work on the other half too. The magazine I am reviewing had an entertaining article about runner's bodies. The author, Rachel Toor, said she had a boyfriend who once told her she had the body of a T.Rex: big honking legs, tiny good for nothing upper body. She realized he was right when she tried to show 2 10-yr olds how to do a proper cartwheel and her arms were not strong enough.
Yoga does help with arm strength, planks and table poses certainly use my own body weight against me. But a strong core is important in both running and riding. Keeping your shoulders back and relaxed as you swing your arms rhythmically for the length of your run means having a strong back and arms. Plus, I just like to be balanced. And one never knows when one might have to do a cartwheel!
Article quoted from 9/14 issue of Running Times

Friday, October 3, 2014


Today's Plan: ride
"the best laid plans of mice and men".....When I went out to get Charby this morning, the first thing I saw was a dump truck rumbling down the road. Followed by a pickup. My horse isn't scared of vehicles, but a dump truck up close might do the trick.  Plus there is always the concern that a vehicle won't go slow enough and kick up rocks. A sharp ping on her butt might get someone a new hood ornament. I wanted to ride on the road because the dew is so heavy early in the mornings.  Wet grass is slick grass, especially when you have four feet going around corners and hills. Unfortunately, my ring is not particularly flat, or even.
Some days I am not flexible with my planning. If it turns out that I can't follow through on my plan when I attempt it, I will say I'll do something later but it rarely happens. Today I fed the horse, turned around and went back to the house. And put on my sneakers and went for a nice 2 mile run. Spent the day feeling pretty good about myself too!

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Today's Plan: run
Still on the wagon. Even when I walked out and got a face full of misty rain.  Today was a good run, I had no idea how far I was going and ended up slightly over 3 miles. And quite a bit of hill work too.
Tonight I got the joy of getting my hair cut. Now, it really needed it so it was a joy just to chop some off. But I love going to see my stylist. Not only can she manage my hair, but she is perhaps one of the most athletic people I know. Cross-fit. Running. Tough Mudders. Weight lifting. She does all of that. So we always get a great talk. I know, everyone thinks you talk about  "girly stuff" at the salon.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Today's Plan: run
Back on the wagon again! Forced myself to start exercising again in the morning. It is amazing how well my day starts when I do that. I feel accomplished and that is a good way to go off to work. Then, when I am wiped out and faced with housework after coming home, I can relax knowing that I already went for my run. Another good feeling. It's like a two for one.
The weather was a boon too. After sweating all weekend, it was not hard to go out into the gray morning. We are losing 2 minutes at sunset every night now. How depressing. Soon I won't be able to run at night even if I wanted to. But that's ok, now that I am back on the wagon!