August Review

.Runner's World Home  For August, I choose Runner's World to be my first magazine.On the criteria of providing information for a wide range of runners, Runner's World surpassed my expectations. Many features were actually "stepped", picking a subject such as races, and having an article for beginners and another for more advanced racers on the next page. I liked this because not does it help a wider audience, but beginners could read both and see where they could advance to. Or, if one is in the middle, take a little from each article and use what was appropriate for them.  One section on finding the best shoes had a grid that included those who ran less than 18 miles a week, as well as all the way up past 32 miles. This is satisfying to  a beginner runner , instead of looking at shoes that will be useful when they become "good enough", shoes are included that they can buy now. On the flip side, more advanced runners could also read the magazine to learn new things, instead of information they already knew. For everybody there seemed to be advice and encouragement.
On the criteria of aiming articles at more than one kind of runner Runner's World also did a good job. It did leave out trail and mud runners, but  had help for runners of 5ks to marathons. The articles on runners--one of which I sourced in a blog-- were well written and drew one in. Several of the articles showed the positive impact of running. It was interesting to read about runners who were seeking their dream in a national setting, and still holding down a day job. It inspires one to find the time to get out on the road more.
The reasonable information on health and diet didn't fare quite as well.  There was not much on injuries, either to avoid or how to recover from. There also wasn't a lot on a runner's diet in the Runner's World. There was a section of post workout dinners, and I will say they looked quite easy and yummy. As neither of these are priority for me, that really isn't an issue.  However, for someone looking for help, Runner's World did not come through on this. There were several pieces on mental health and stress which were quite sensible and useful. Running as stress relief is something we can all relate to.
On the whole, I think Runner's World could become one of my favorites. It touched on the subjects I was interested in and I can see it still being useful as I continue to advance my running. There were articles that inspired me to persevere, articles that showed the depth of commitment and some kick-ass shoes I wish I could afford.

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