Monday, September 29, 2014


Today's Plan: yoga
Took the littlest training partner for a walk today. She was so excited to get out and sniff. I am not sure she even notices I am on the other end of the leash, unless I make her stop--or go. Yoga first thing in the morning is hard, so I thought a mile or so walk would warm me up. Running two days may be good for the running, but it definitely tightens me up. I was pretty much half way through the session before my heels would touch the floor in downward dog. And Daisy makes it look so easy.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Today's Plan: run
When I started, I decided to run every other day at the maximum. I am in my forties, and I have done a few not so good things to my body over the years. Carpel tunnel in the left hand, tendinitis in the right. Heavy lifting with both the farm animals and greenhouse plants. Raking blueberries on my knees for hours and then leaning over a blueberry winnower belt for more hours. A couple of decades working on concrete floors in various retail venues. The first time I threw my back out I was clipping a rose for farmer's market the next day. After spending several hours looking up at the sky I realized I probably had damaged my back when Charby had tripped the previous day and I pulled her up.
So I am a bit cautious about damaging myself.  But today the light went on. Running yesterday helped today's run greatly. I felt looser sooner. My time for the first mile was the best time I have had all summer for that particular mile. Thinking that I will try two days on and one off for awhile and see how that goes.
                                                      View from  this morning's run

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Today's Plan: unknown
Today is the day where I want to do everything. I didn't know if I wanted to ride, run or do yoga.  Of course by the time I got home I was wiped out, and faced with making dinner and a sink full of dishes--my dishwasher broke a number of years ago and now I am the dishwasher.  Most days I don't mind, but not feeling it tonight.  Plus, I just wasn't feeling well. So I went out, brushed the horse (not that  she appreciated it as that delayed her dinner), made dinner and washed the dishes. Now I am done. And feeling guilty about  taking 2 days off in one week. Am I addicted?
I'm thinking I might be. I can be driving down a country road and think how nice it a run it would make. Driving up a hill, I decide whether or not I could conquer it (the first time up, that is. I can conquer any hill given time). I see a runner and wish I was running then too.  A large portion of my time is given over to exercise. How to do it. When to do it. Thinking about trying something new. Reading about exercise. Writing about exercise. I  don't think the question is whether I am addicted, but rather, should I be worried?!


Today's Plan: as much as possible
After another morning where I convinced myself I would run when I got home, another evening followed where that just didn't work out. How do I convince myself of these things? So there went 2 days in a row. *sigh* I need to push myself out the door in the morning. I do blame the season: as much as I love fall, it's hard to get motivated when you get up in the dark.
But you know how I keep saying I have those days where I can't decide what to do because I want to do everything?  Today I did! Before work I did my weight lifting. When I got home I ran. After a couple hours in the house, I went back out and rode the horse. I guess I did miss out on doing yoga. But after 2 days of inactivity, I feel much better.
Of course, summer returned this weekend. Everyone else seemed pretty happy about that. Except for the dingbat who went out for a run in the middle of the 75 degree afternoon. Keeping to the shade wasn't too bad but the hills in sun weren't as much fun as I had hoped. I ran further out than I originally planned to so I could walk on the way home and take pictures. I really can't resist the colors when I run by them!

I really don't like these trees (they just don't look like they belong in Me), 
but the colors can't be beat

Of course I don't like blueberries either, but I can certainly appreciate
the beauty of a blueberry field in autumn

I love texture, so I ventured into the woods for these guys:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Today's Plan: run
This is the time of year I wish I was an artist. I love the colors.  Light is just different this time of year. I love the slanting gold sunlight hitting the warm hues of the leaves.. There is the scent of woodsmoke from people warming up their homes with a fire in the air. It makes one think of chili or chowder with warm fluffy bread. Cool mornings and warm afternoons.
Speaking of mornings, it was plenty cool this morning when I opened the door. Forcing myself out there at 40 degrees took a bit of fortitude today. Once I stopped whining about the cold on my thighs, it turned out to be a good run. If one doesn't count the nose that was running faster than me. Am I the only one who runs with a tissue in hand?


Today's Plan: yoga
As I have said before, nothing soothes me like twisting my body into into pretzel shapes. My exercise over the years has followed a bit of a pattern. After about 8 months of solid regular exercise, I get tired and take a few weeks off. Last year I never reached that point. But last December I decided to take the month off. It's a hectic month, I just figured what the heck. I lasted about a week before I found myself face down on a yoga mat.
I get,oh, let's say, cranky if I don't do my yoga regularly. I feel guilty if I don't do my other exercises, and that tends to make me feel bad and therefore short tempered. But it is the lack of yoga itself that makes me cranky.  I don't know what it is about yoga. I try to read yoga magazines, but I am not really into the meditation and naturalistic lifestyle they talk about. But yogis must be right, because I feel better after yoga.
I think perhaps it is the long slow breaths, it certainly relaxes one and slows down your brain. That can only be a good thing at the end of a busy day. After a good session, I get the same feeling as after a good run: all my muscles have a delightful "we've been used" burn. And the endorphins are definitely released. Must be all the upside down poses!

Monday, September 22, 2014


Today's Plan: rest
I really wanted to run, but I haven't taken a day off since last Monday and I know I need to give my body a bit of a break. Monday is always a good day to take off since I generally do my longest run on Sunday. Plus, I am almost always tired from work on a Monday. It's a good day for rest and pizza.
I did take down my vegetable garden. After years of extensive farming with my dad, I think the smaller the garden the better. I have a table where I use window boxes for lettuce, peppers, etc. Unfortunately, it was not a good year in our corner of the world for vegetables. Except for pumpkins. My husband did great with pumpkins. So I had to take all the pots apart to store and put the table away for the winter.
I also started taking down my garden art. I have a lot, so it is not something I generally get done all at once. The farm sold perennials, which was my specialty while Dad did the veggies--not that I didn't have to pick my share of peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant and much more.  My father believed in diversity.That's how I got hooked on edamame. Quite a few perennials walked down the hill from the farm to my house and found good homes in my gardens. Some days I think they got out of control. I especially think that in the spring when I have to clean them all.
I know some of you are still stuck back on "pizza". Do serious runners eat pizza? I use running to control my weight, which means I eat pizza. And some other stuff that is not so good for me. For the most part I do tend to eat well, particularly during the day. But when I want to eat something, all the willpower I use to get myself out there with my sneakers tied just seems to melt away. Just another good excuse to put the sneakers on again.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Today's plan: run
Ah, Mother Nature.  Always keeping our weathermen guessing.  This weekend was supposed to be warm and sunny. Yesterday was cool and windy. This morning when I walked out in a short sleeve shirt and vest it was raining on me. Went and out and fed the horse, came back in to get a long sleeved fleece and ran anyway.
I told my husband I was only doing 2m and would be back shortly. It was the best I had felt all week--the blasted stitch in my ribs miraculously disappeared. When I hit the mile mark to go back, I just kept going.  Eventually I had to go back, I promised french toast to the husband.
These days are the reason I run. Everything just flows. I out ran my music (having picked a short play list for a short run), and my breathing was smooth and even, my feet hitting the ground regularly. A run like that is worth every sucky run I had earlier in the week and why I continue to run.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Today's Plan: Run
I am finding it harder to get out in the morning. The early gray sky is just not inviting. But the air is invigorating enough that when I get home from work I am happy to head out. Wasn't sure how far I was going to get today. Another side effect I am having this week is a permanent stitch in my right side above my ribs. It's not debilitating, it's just dang annoying. Today it showed up before I hit a half mile and lasted until I got home.
I read an interesting post on a blog the other day about the differences between men and women and how running effects them differently.  Unfortunately, men have women a bit beat on things like a larger heart and more red blood cells, which translates to more oxygen carried to muscles more quickly. Testosterone also stimulates muscle growth, while estrogen stimulates fat retention. While this seems bad on the face of it, women may be able to run further longer as we have more of an energy supply.
But personally I think the most obvious difference it that one week a month I, and  I assume others, just can't perform as well. Men don't have that issue. A study by Oxford University predicted that as participation  by female runners increases, the gap in times by men and women could decrease, especially in long distances. I think that is very likely.  There are so many wonderful female runners out there.

Friday, September 19, 2014


Today's Plan: ride
What a beautiful day for a ride. A bit chilly since we topped out at 50 some degrees today, but the sun more than made up for it. I did decide to ride bareback. This works for me for two reasons. One, it makes me a better rider. Staying on top makes all the muscles work much harder without a saddle. My mare is usually quite level-headed, generally if she spooks it's because she was feeling frisky. And normally it would be a "freeze and drop": it feels like the horse dropped 2" under you. This year she has added to her bag of tricks.
One lovely summer morning we went out bareback and she saw something that unsettled her. We started spinning and dancing.  My first thought was "crap, the one time I don't tell someone I'm going out...." My next one (as I started sliding) was "how am I going to keep hold of the reins and avoid her feet?" I decided at that point that I wasn't going off.  My mother taught me that you never go off anyway, so I wasn't really considering it. I am pretty sure that it was my running thighs that kept me on.
Another trick is the refusal to go further forward.Sometimes she decides it is time to go home and she's done. The answer to that one is that she doesn't seem to notice if you circle her and make her back up past the point she refused to go. As long as she isn't going forward, in her mind she is winning.
Back to today's ride, the second reason bareback is good is because on a chilly day, she is much warmer than a saddle! I had a great ride planned, we were just going to wander the back field, trotting around the ring a bit, but mainly through all the paths in among the trees.  Just a relaxing time.
It didn't go so well. Apparently, Charby has new neighbors along the path out to the field and she did not want to go out that way. After circling, backing up, circling some more, I took her out the other way. Whenever I pointed her in the direction of the first path, refusal and circling followed. We did get a good ride in using the rest of the field nonetheless.
When we went back in, I had to make her walk the lane she refused. Not a good idea for her to think she can refuse anything, even for good reason. Even with me on foot, she didn't want to go. Pulling wasn't going to work, so I just talked to her and finally she decided I would protect her. Makes me feel wonderful that she has that level of trust in me.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Today's Plan: run and weights
Not as much fun as it could have been, but I powered through my run. The weights went very well, I added some new exercises involving my yoga ball. Then I just lay on the ball and stretched out. The dogs thought I was crazy, but it felt good.
I had to bring in all my plants today for the winter. We  are expecting our first frost tonight. As much as I love fall, not real sure I need an actual frost yet. At least we don't have early snow like certain other states. Not sure how I am going to make it in regards to running through the winter yet, we had a lot of -10 and worse last year. This winter is expected to be just as bad--if you believe the Old Farmers Almanac. That plus snow and ice is probably going to put a kabosh on the running. I had considered getting running shoes for ice, but the cold weather will just do me in.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Today's Plan: unknown
So this is a tricky subject. I am a female, and that means one week of the month I am not myself. Aside from any jokes you would like to insert here, I am tired. Also, my GI tract, never particularly happy with me, becomes quite snarly. It causes a reverse in my normal run: I feel ok the first mile and everything after that is painful. Which means I get out there and it's a battle to get back.
But I am also quite contrary by nature. Mary has nothing on me.  I did take Monday off and I wasn't willing to take off any more days this week.
It's an odd truth that exercise can revitalize you  when you are tired--if you can only start--and also help stimulate the GI tract. I decided to do some groundwork with Charby first, then some yoga after. The groundwork went fabulous, she was really paying attention and enjoying herself.  We did turns, halts and  I ran short bits while she trotted. Will it be weird if I run with a horse instead of a dog?
Feeling chuffed, I came in and did some yoga aimed at my abs. I don't have a six pack, and I don't think I ever will. But I have a bit of definition, so that is good enough to me. I firmly believe a strong core is, well, the core of any sport you want to do.  It can prevent a lot of injuries, and, frankly, it just makes one feel good.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Today's Plan: run
Mother Nature had some negative ideas about my running this morning, she thought rain would be lovely. However, after a long stressful day at work, I convinced myself to go for a run this evening. I do so love this time of year, as I can run after work and not die of heat exhaustion.  After a run everything seems so much better. It was a good decision.
As I was adding up my mileage for the week, it occurred to be that I really ought to paying more attention to my tracker. I did 2.13m in 20min flat on Tuesday. That's pretty good for me on a casual run. Frequently I run, shut off the tracker, feed the horse and rush to the house to get ready for work. One more reason I love technology. I used to enter it all my exercise into my excel program. Before that it was my handy dandy notebook. I think it's my father's (the teacher) fault--I always keep records.
I just got an iPhone recently and I picked a exercise app rather at random: there are so of them! I use Endomondo and I love it mostly because it does a lot of exercise types, including riding. I have to admit it is funny to see my riding on the GPS tracker when I ride in the ring.  It is also very easy to use and I like being able to see it on my computer. It shows me a month and what I did when. It also shows me my benchmark among my peers also using Endomondo. That was rather depressing in the early summer, when I was in the lower 25%. But then I started increasing! Now it's fun to look.
I don't always have to have the newest gadgets--not bothering with the iPhone 6--but I do enjoy what they can do for us.

                                                               Evening Run  

Monday, September 15, 2014

Think Raquel Welch, ladies....

This was my mother's call as she gave us riding lessons when I was young. She gave dressage lessons as a side business, and I often took them with some of the riders near my age. What she meant was was shoulders back and chest out. I find this transfers across many sports, but particularly running. While every one's form for running is different, there are a few constants. I actually have several different "forms": for running uphill, running downhill and just plain flat running. Figuring out your optimum form  will help when you get tired or running a race. I had a friend on cross country in high school ran with her arms straight down.  She also spit instead of swallowing. I don't recommend that. But when I get tired, I will run with my arms down to relax and it always makes me smile and think of it as "Becky running". I run off the balls of my feet, keep my tailbone tucked in, shoulders back and arms relaxed as possible. Running off the balls instead of your heels provides spring for the next step. Keeping your  tailbone tucked engages the core and ensures your back doesn't hurt after a run. Shoulders back helps support you and makes it easier to breathe.
Let's talk breathing. If you can't control your breath, you are doomed to a long, unbearable run. I know we all pant when we first start training, or when we increase a pace. But generally, breathing at a even regular pace is necessary. Darren Treasure, a sports psychologist, encourages his runners to log 10 minutes of controlled breathing each day. His thought is that if you become anxious (say, before a race) "your breaths become very short and shallow, which actually precipitates more anxiety". I would take it one step further, saying that starting a race breathing that way would make it exceedingly hard to find your pace. I find that cramps usually start if I am not breathing deeply and when my shoulders fall forward, slumping my middle. Straightening up and getting the air in helps rid me of the cramp. In my 5K the woman I was running next to said she had cramps so I gasped out "straighten up, deep breath, hold it then let it out". Later she told me that really helped her, which is good as I thought maybe I was being obnoxious giving orders!
 Going up a hill, I find myself breathing shallowly and I need to be able to pull in a deep breath and hold it before breathing out. For me, yoga has taught  me deep breathing and makes it easier to pull in that breath. Learning yoga is not a requirement. But I think Darren's idea of practicing deep, relaxing breathing can have many benefits. Try it before going to sleep--it will probably put you to sleep faster!
Going down a hill, I like to feel loose and limber with a definite bend in my knees. I do this to prevent the shock to my knees. I use my heels and roll my foot forward with each step. I actually go downhill slower than uphill or going across a flat. I'm a bit of a klutz and I don't want to land on my face.
Going uphill, my heels don't even hit the ground. I use the spring from the balls of my feet to propel me into the next step. Kinda feels like running up stairs. Leaning forward (just a bit!) lets the weight of your upper body pull you into the  next step as well. Again, important to  keep the upper body straight and the core engaged. I do my "Becky running" up hills a lot, relaxes the arms and lets me focus on the legs.
Usually running on relatively flat ground I try to keep my form as I described above.  Form is always in flux, always needing minute adjustments. It depends on how you feel that day, how fast you are going and what the purpose of your run is. But finding your optimum form, the one where after you run you don't feel like anything was pulled out of  place and there are no aches other than the good run aches, will help you focus when you need to pull that last mile out. When I'm tired and I want to stop, thinking about my form helps me gets me that quarter mile down the road. So I keep thinking about my form, pull it together and I get the next quarter mile down the road. It gives me something to focus on besides whining about being tired, and it gets me home.
(Darren Treasure's other comments can be found in Sept 2014 Runner's World)

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Today's Plan: long run and ride
I almost got my 5 miles in today. After hitting just over 4m, I decided it was a good place to turn around, knowing my day was waiting impatiently at home. My run felt fabulous, I did feel like I could run forever.(That could be because I took--for me--a fairly flat route.)  Once home I had breakfast, cleaned the house, helped stock up some wood, got the last load of hay for the horse and we cleared some land out in the pasture area. Then I had lunch! After lunch it was time for some football, since we had the early game today. After the game I tidied up some loose ends and decided that Charby was getting off today. Fed her, fed me and the husband and am calling it a day.

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Today's Plan: run and ride
Having the day off, I decided I could do both. If only I had done yoga too. I had a fabulous run, ran my own private 5K today.  I read somewhere that even 3 days off running could effect your fitness level. For the first half mile I was believing that! After I conquered the first hill and the road smoothed out, so did my running. I felt really good and I'm going for 5m tomorrow.
Feeling guilt about not riding enough, I made sure to get on this afternoon. With all that I say about yoga helping my running, I have to say that yoga and running together really help my riding. My legs are so much stronger. My posting is quite a bit easier than before I started running.  I can get on from the ground: yoga made me flexible enough to get my foot in the stirrup, but running made me strong enough to lift myself up with that one leg. So we are going for a ride tomorrow too....unless the football game gets in the way!

Friday, September 12, 2014


Today's Plan: run with weights
So, a short run, but it felt good. Seems like no matter how early I get up, I can't get out the door to run before 6:30am. Maybe it's a mental block that I don't want to be out of my house that early? As I started down the driveway I realized that I was late again. I dithered as I ran down the road, but finally decided to just do  a mile and then the weights. I figure this is a good thing if I can literally decide on the fly what my workout will be, proving my control over my that an oxymoron?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Competitive Edge

As I have mentioned before, I have a bit of a competitive streak. Sometimes this is a good thing, it's one of the things that got me running. It can help me at work, in my desire to be the best at what I do. When I saw a FB quiz about how controlling--in an OCD way-- one is and my husband's cousin was 48%, my thought was "I can beat that!" (I did, coming in at a cool 62%. One friend said that was because the rest of the time I'm asleep)
But, sometimes, the edge is too sharp and cuts you, and those around you. I had a client that ran, and as I was just starting, this person's (lets call the person Pat) 20+ mile runs were amazing to me. Pat was ex medical personnel who had run the Boston Marathon 23 times. The goal was 25 years in a row with completion.
Unfortunately, Pat's 24th  marathon was in 2013, when the bombs at the finish line shattered our world. Knowing our client was running, my co-workers and I anxiously waited for Pat to come in. As retired medical, one could safely assume that Pat would have helped with the injured during the tragic mess. However, when we finally saw Pat, the biggest concern Pat evinced was the inability to finish the race. They did hand out medals for all that ran, but, in Pat's mind, the race was incomplete. Pat would never be able to claim 25 straight marathons.  We were shocked at the attitude after such a calamity, and unfortunately, our respect for Pat  was greatly diminished. I saw Pat running recently, and it looked painful in the extreme, there was obviously issues with Pat's feet. But, Pat ran and so Pat continued running.
While goals are great, and competitiveness can help you soar to new heights, I want to remember Pat. I have already mentioned that if  I walk I don't consider it a full run. I can't stop, or, like Pat, it can't be claimed, like when I saw an old friend in the middle of my first 6m run, and I didn't stop to talk, just waved and continued.  I tend to be goal and time oriented. But I don't  want to be a person who let my goals get in the way of helping someone who needs it. I don't want to continue to run after all enjoyment is gone, simply for a goal. I run to add to my life, not detract. Sometimes, I think we all need to remember that.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Today's Plan: yoga
This is why I love yoga. I had a not so good day. I drove home cranky and irritated with all the other drivers in my way. So I get home and pull out my yoga mat.  Thirty minutes later my legs were shaking, sweat was running in my eyes and I was completely relaxed.  I don't know why it works, it just does. Strangely, twisting my body untwists my mind.I have been doing it for almost 20 years. I kept trying aerobic exercises, but honestly, I don't like them and gave them up easily. Yoga I did all the time. I find people either love it or hate it, they get it or they don't. If you were tempted to try it, I really recommend Sara Ivenhoe's DVDs. She is supportive, sensible and explains how the moves can help stretch out muscles worked from running, biking and other sports. Plus, my husband says she's the least annoying to listen to while I am doing DVDs!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Today's Plan: fun run
I was saddened when I realized just how little I had run last week. I am not doing well with my plan of forgetting time and just going for distance. I get caught up in all the things I want to do, and sometimes don't realize how little I get done.  Between the horse, the running shoes and the yoga mat, not to mention the weights, sometimes balance is hard. Today I went out and only ran 2 miles, but I had a blast. Couldn't tell you which was streaming more, my nose or eyes.  I even let myself stop and take some pictures. Can't wait to go out tomorrow. Early mornings here are crisp, with perfectly warm afternoons.  Best time of year.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Today's Plan: long easy run
Some days the universe just works against you. Today is that day. After a great afternoon yesterday with my high school buddies eating, snacking, inhaling, grazing and eating a bit more of crackers, cheeses, fresh salsa, home made guacamole, bread and dipping oils, I was ready for a long run to work some of that off. I went out this morning ready to run. We have to get hay later and we had to move a wood stove out of the hay barn. I offered to help my husband first, knowing that I was likely to come back from my run and find the stove moved and an aching husband. He wasn't quite ready, so I started cleaning out where the hay would go while waiting. After we moved the stove, I finished cleaning the hay area. By then I was in it, so I cleaned the rest of the barn, which is storage for my garden gear and decor. Of course by the time I was done an hour had passed and I was dirty and covered in hay. My poor sneakers.  I came in to change, threw my sneakers in a load of wash and pulled out my older running shoes. As an aside, my running shoes are only for running, I don't wear them around. I have plenty of other shoes, especially for around the barn. So I gear up and head down the road.  I barely got 2 tenths of a mile from the driveway when I hear scampering behind me. My littlest training partner was running down the road. Apparently she thought I forgot her. Our screen door needs to be fixed and Daisy decided it was a doggie door for her. Somehow she made it past my husband and down the drive after me.  After picking her up and carrying her back (she doesn't like to be carried,  likes to free to sniff and wander, so that was a punishment right there), I decided that it just wasn't my day.  So here I sit, coffee in hand, waiting to go get hay. Which, in itself, is a workout. Just not a run. But tomorrow is another day!

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Today's Plan: 2m run
It occurred to me today in the middle of my  second mile that I am really a long distance runner. I suck at the first mile, get my  stride in the second and feel more relaxed and energized the further I go.  I love it when I hit the point where I feel I can run forever (which is often shortly followed by the "oh god, am I done yet?!" feeling).  And yet, if you saw me walking down the street, long distance runner would be the last thing you would think. I am short, vertically challenged, mini, whatever you want to call it. I have come to terms with it. There is always a chair to climb on for the high shelves. Where most distance runners are long and rangy--like my brother--I am compact and tend to build muscle easily. In fact, I look a lot like a sprinter. I tried that in track before my coach suggested longer distances. I didn't completely suck at the 200, but my 100 was laughable. Hurdles were not my thing either (that would have made a good blooper reel).  But the longer the race, the better I did. 2 miles just doesn't seem long enough to me, however, is is hard to find the time for longer.  I think that will be my goal for this fall. I finished my first race, and got the time I wanted. There is one goal down. Next I am going to throw out all worry about time and just run as far as I can as often as I can.

Friday, September 5, 2014


Today's Plan: ride and weights
Yup, the horse won. Rode her first thing this morning, up and down the road. It was a good ride, no cars and no flies. While she felt abused by being forced to work before breakfast,  Charby actually had a pretty good day, My farrier called to do her feet, so I went out to get her while he was on his way. Since I was waiting, she got brushed and fly sprayed. She particularly likes her mane being brushed, and her ears cleaned out. Think about it, there is no way to scratch inside an ear with a hoof. Although I have seen Charby scratch her head with a back foot. And she doesn't even do yoga. Sigh. But I cleaned out her ears--she leans into my hand like a dog--and brushed out her mane, and decided to giver a bit of a mane cut. Then David came to do her nails and she had a complete spa day.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Today's Plan: yoga & horse
I have been on vacation since last Sat, and I have yet to do anything horsey related. Today I was determined. Problem is, I always want to do everything. Since I took yesterday off, I wanted to run too. The guilt I feel for not running yesterday. Last Friday I thought, vacation! I can exercise every day and maybe even do more than one thing a day! (There is definitely a possibility that I have an obsession with exercise.) But my vacation did not unfold that way, and the horse has gotten the worst of it. Today I cleaned the house, stretched into some yoga, and then a friend came over. When she left I took Charby (said horse) out back to lunge. We went to the way out back, where we have the Christmas trees. There is a old logging road that would be perfect to ride on, and some side roads to do circles so we aren't just going back and forth on the same path. But whenever we go out there she is certain that something might just jump on her. I figure if I start lunging and walking her out there regularly, our rides will be much quieter as she will be used to being out back. She's always curious and likes to trail ride, sometimes she's just a bit too jittery. I think she's waiting, looking even, for an excuse to misbehave. The lunging went well, and she seemed very calm. We will see what happens when I put a saddle on her. Tomorrow the weather is going to be very hot and sticky. I both want to do a long run and ride--which both need to be done early before heat and flies. We will see which wins......

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Today's Plan: off
Still not used to typing 9 instead 8!  Having plans for the rest of the week, exercise-wise, I decided to take today off.  Driving 1.5hrs to visit my mom might have had something to do with that decision. After living 90%  of my life with my mom literally within 2 tenths of a mile from me, she decided it was my brother's turn. Which is only fair. But now I have to be the one to travel. Fortunately, she's worth it. After a great visit today, I am ready to get back to exercise tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Today's Plan: run
Ah, the hot sticky-ickiness of summer is back. We had a lovely bout of autumn weather a week or so ago, and I loved it so much. For some reason, fall is the season of renewal for me. Maybe years of starting school, with all the attendant shopping and planning? I always want a new wardrobe in the fall and I tend to make "resolutions" in the fall, not at the new year. The brisk mornings; the maroons,golds and oranges of the leaves; the fabulous sleeping weather; the Pumpkin Spice coffee......fall is definitely the season for me. Needless to say, I am not charmed by the return of summer. Especially as I sit here with the computer sticking to my lap. But I did manage to run 2m early this morning, and it felt pretty good. Just a bit sweaty!

Monday, September 1, 2014


Today's Plan: Stretching
After all the work I've been doing and the way I pushed yesterday, I thought yoga would be a good idea. Turns out, I was right. I choose Candlite yoga, one of my favorite relaxing dvds. It's all about moving and stretching, and generally I can do it without breaking a sweat. Not so much this morning, my thighs were unhappy anytime they had to hold a position. As always, however, I came out the other side refreshed and relaxed. Just the right mood to go shopping with my friend.