Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Post Crazy....

I have to say here that I love Christmas and all it entails. I have spent the last two weeks soaking up Christmas movie classics and planning two (yes, not one but two) celebrations here at my house. I love the spirit of Christmas and while I agree with Charlie Brown that it is too commercialized, I also, like CB, wasn't going to let that ruin my Christmas. I make many of my gifts so I do avoid a lot of the retail mayhem. And, as a family, we don't go crazy. There are no TVs or cars bought and put under our tree.
I am what you would call a "crafty" person: there is no craft out there that scares me. I have made jewelry, soap, candles, and when the kids were younger, knit scarves and sewn fleece hats. Mistakes have been made, like the year I made the fleece hats and sewed the stretchy side of the fleece the wrong way and the hat wouldn't stretch to go around the kid's head. Or the poncho coat that I made that swallowed my sister in law. And my knitting doesn't go much beyond the scarves, I have carpel tunnel and tendinitis, so after two or three rows I need a break. And I am beyond horrible at keeping a gauge. But I digress.
This years gifts (jewelry, tea & potpourri) turned out excellently. The gatherings of the various families seemed to make everyone happy and the dinners (aside from squash gone bad) went on the table smoothly. And on Christmas night, I slept. And slept. I think the technical term is "crashed". And didn't have much get up and go on Friday either.
So, you ask, did I exercise? Were there any runs in those two weeks? Or was it just a sentimental snooze in between tasks?
The answer is yes, I did get some time and energy expended. However, Mother Nature, being whimsical as always, thought that rain would be lovely for Christmas weather. So not too many runs, but a couple in between the rain drops.  Fate, not feeling that losing my job and setting up for the holidays while searching for work was enough stress, also cursed me with that lingering malady, nasopharyngitis. Otherwise known as a cold. I have to say, it is very hard to do yoga poses, such as downward dog, when one's head is full and one's nose is dripping. I did my most "uprightest" yoga last week. And am very glad to be able to breathe through my nose this week.

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